Saturday, June 23, 2012

My Sonnet

As I am lost in the rivers of thought
Nothing satisfies my thirst for something new to dwell on,
Thinking should be a past time, it ought,
But yet, no one else will enjoy this simple pleasure, whoever anon.

Another favorite past time I want to enjoy is taking a walk in the woods,
Which woods they are, I don't really know,
But nevertheless, wherever I go, I know it will be full of moods
and will it make you depressed, no!

As soon as I can enjoy these activities,
I know that I can see myself finally seeing life in a positive light
And see it for what it really is, a forest of yet untouched abilities
that will propel far me in life towards and ever soaring height.

However, my life seems so complicated now,
with college worries closing in on my peace, my want for enjoyment in life it will beshadow.

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